Here we are at the most awaited moment in your life. You are not only imagining things, but you are already seeing the things you’ve been waiting for. The aisle, the decorations, the dresses, everything seems so perfect on this big day, none other than the wedding of your dreams.

Photographer: Pixabay
But what is a wedding without music? Of course, you want it to be dramatic! Music gives life to this wonderful event, and you might have already chosen your best songs. A prelude is music that is played at a wedding before the start of the ceremony. It is played while the guests are coming and taking their seats while waiting for the entourage and the bride to be ready.
A prelude usually lasts for 30 minutes. If you’re searching for the best songs for your playlist, here are some suggestions that will surely set the mood.
Love Is Waiting By Brooke Fraser
This song will give you the wedding vibes. As you hear this song, you will be reminded of your waiting season. The times when you were just praying for “The One” and now that the waiting is over, it’s great to be reminded of the season of your singleness.
(Listen here:

Photographer: Budgeron Bach
When God Made You By Newsong feat. Natalie Grant
This is a bit old but still relevant. Songs get old but never the meaning. This song is about God creating the one for you, that even before you met, he was already made for you.
(Listen here:
Unfailing Love By Jimmy Needham
This one is specifically for the man. You’ll hear the bridge part of this song saying “Be My Wife” and is actually an engagement song but you can still add this to your playlist as it has a lot of joyful emotions.
(Listen here:
The Only Exception By Paramore
For some, you won’t see this as a wedding song but if you get the chance to internalize the lyrics and meaning of the song, you will realize that it is about a girl who experienced many heartaches and almost loses her faith in love but when he found the right guy, She took the risk and has finally believed that true love exists.
(Listen here:
Say You Won’t Let Go By James Arthur
This song fits modern-day couples. It’s a song about growing old together that will make you excited about the life ahead after the big day. As the music continues to set up the mood, the more it excites you for the main event.
(Listen here:
Perfect By Ed Sheeran
The song says it all, it’s “Perfect”! Perfect for weddings! Who doesn’t know about ed Sheeran’s songs? They are always the best ones to listen to and you’d want to hear them at your wedding.
(Listen here:
Beautiful in White By Westlife
This song might be already familiar for everyone, but it never gets old! As the song says “You Look so Beautiful in White” the bride will absolutely feel that she’s the most important person for the day. Have you gotten enough yet? We have more!
(Listen here:
Night Changes By One Direction
One Direction is known for its pop music, but this song will actually give you a mellow wedding vibe as it talks about how the couple may change as years pass but they will still be there for each other even when things aren’t the same.
(Listen here:
God Gave Me You By Bryan White
God gave me you are famous at weddings but no matter how mainstream it is, you will still love it because you will realize how lucky you are being at this wonderful moment with the love of your life.
(Listen here:
Cannon Rock Musical
Well, musicals are also best for wedding preludes. This is one of the most popular instrumentals for weddings and many singers have inserted some of its tunes into wedding songs. When your guests hear this, their hearts will be set for the wedding.
(Listen here:

Photographer: Elviss Railijs Bitāns
Okay! So you’ve finally heard them! You might want to ready your playlist and feel all the love from these great songs. You can always add your favorite songs and make them to hundred playlists! Always remember that this wedding is yours and you should cherish every moment from the beginning to the end.